Thursday, July 21, 2011

New Header Points to Theme.....

Could it be that the flavors of the 
Season impact my choices in Candle Fragrance?

What I know for sure is that getting original photos
for the labels is a lot easier this time of the year.
It is my intention over then next year to have
every label contain only my original content.
Eliminating any use of "canned" images.

I'm nearly there.
And it feels so good!

Then there are the 
Fresh Baked Apple Pie

I'm definitely seeing a theme here.
Next projects may involve 
unusual but fun fragrances such as
buttered popcorn and bacon.
These are by request.
We'll see how they turn out.

Does this mean I get to make 
bacon and popcorn for props?
You Bet It Does!!

Food Flavors are becoming
my favorites!


  1. Yummy fruits for sure. Not so sure about the bacon myself. Although, if I were closer I would visit just to help 'prepare' the props with you. lol

  2. That is a beautiful label! Bob got me some cute votive holders so now I am burning the votives you gave me a while back. I love the smell!

  3. Yummy! The post just made me hungry, especially for some bacon.


  4. Oh I just love your new labels with your photography on them! You've combined two wonderful talents into one!

  5. These candles are good enough to eat! Peach is a wonderful flavor! Your new labels are so inviting! Kudos!

    Hey, I would like to feature a Peach Candle on my Giveaway!!! Once I know who the winner is, I will contact you with the information, pay for the item with shipping/tax, and then have you ship it to them. How does that sound?

